Sunday, 20 May 2012

Chelsea FC is Champions League Champions

Just a quick post saying how excited I am for Chelsea becoming Champions League champions, it has been a long road coming for them. Having been in the final 4 years ago and now winning then, but yesterday the moment was finally there for them. I am so excited, when the penalty shoot outs were happening I was just praying to not have a re-live moment from 4 years ago. I could not even watch it!!! I was just too nervous.

For the people who don't watch football (soccer whatever you want to call it) this post is not very interesting lol.

I am a huge Chelsea fan and I love watching football/soccer so you will be seeing more posts about football/soccer this summer when the European Cup is being played. 

Congratulations to Chelsea even though you guys did not play a good game, you deserved to win because you worked as a team to defend and never gave up hope that this cup could be yours.

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