Monday 17 September 2012

Movie Monday: American Pie: The Reunion

Hi dolls,

I apologize for really slacking with all the posts, but I have been super busy and to be honest with you. I was inspirationless for a couple of days. Although I could've put up a couple of review posts, but I did not want to write something I would not be happy about because of the no inspiration. Maybe this zero spending on beauty is getting to me....

Anyhow, it is Monday once again and I did forget last Monday but I have a movie pick for this Monday. I was watching American Pie; The Reunion yesterday and thought I might as well make it the pick for Movie Monday. And I have to say it brought me back to when I was 11 and the first American Pie movie came out and it was all the hype. I did however waited another year before I actually watched it, I think I was 12 at the time and just started middle/high school (all the different school systems confuse me). I think American Pie was the first ever DVD I bought, yes it was also the time when DVD's started to become the next big thing. Oh all of a sudden I feel so old! lol

So was the Reunion as funny as the first, maybe not. Was it funny? Yes it was. Although I think we all grow up and the way we look at a movie change. I can still be childish and immature at times (ok most times...) it was funny to watch and just a throwback to my early teens. I think if you watched American Pie when it first came out, then you should definitely watch the Reunion. Because it gives you a fun look of what they are doing now, how the characters have grown or not grown over time. 

Have you watched it? What do you think?

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