Hi dolls,
so my last posts were all pre-written and posted whilst I was in Sevilla. I came back about a week ago and have been extremely busy ever since. I was sorting through photos I had taken in Sevilla which if people want I can post. I went and visit my cousin who became a father, it is so strange to see someone who I have known since I was a baby (we are the same age only 10 days apart) have a family of his own. Especially in my mind I still see us as kids and not grown up at all.
Other than that, I also have been super busy with sorting out finances and also stuff going out with a new job which I will tell you more about once I have signed the contract.
Of course I have been resting and trying to relax a little bit because the trip was a bit more hectic. I did however do some shopping of course. Sevilla has a huge outlet center which I am in love with. I did not buy any makeup except for 2 MAC items. I was surprised I was so well behaved, I guess shopping with family is not always a good thing because they want to buy everything for you. In a sense that is a good thing but I don't want to take advantage of my family.
So after that I was entirely ready to start Monday off with a brand new project samples and just get back in the groove of things but my laptop thought otherwise. It kind of died on me a little bit and then on Tuesday it died completely I could not do anything even if I wanted to. I could not even sign in or it would shut itself off. I do have an ipad so I was not completely cut off but it does not have the functionality that I like when using a laptop. So I had to go laptop shopping on Wednesday, I thought I could get a laptop right away but that did not happen either. I had to wait until today to receive my laptop and even then I had technical difficulties, I don't know why but I guess one of the programs I wanted to install I think it was adobe did not install properly. So I had to go back to the factory settings which took about another 4 hours. By the time I rebooted everything I had to re-install everything again and now I am here typing this. It is currently almost 11pm and I received my laptop at 2 pm. 9 hours I have been busy with this laptop trying to do everything and explore because I don't know about you but windows 8 is about a world apart from windows vista.
Now onto the shocking news of the week besides my laptop dying on me. According to the Sephora.nl website Sephora is closing all of their Dutch branches so they can focus on international expansion. I am shocked because I thought Sephora was doing fine and I even thought they had expansion plans for the Dutch market. To my knowledge Sephora is French and I thought The Netherlands is international.... So yeah I don't know. All shops will be closed on June 1st and we cannot enjoy the luxury of Sephora, which means these brands will disappear off the Dutch market, urban decay, too faced, makeup forever, ciate and of course the Sephora own brand. I can still buy urban decay and too faced in the Netherlands (Nars was never sold here) and apparently they are referring us to the french Sephora website, but shipping costs are through the roof!! If they could change the shipping costs to 5 euros I would totally order from the french Sephora website. For 13 euros ehh... maybe not, I will have to find other ways to get some of my brands.
So that's it, that's all I know for now. Let me know what you think of Sephora closing all of their Dutch shops.
Ik vind het heel jammer dat de sephora weg gaat